The demons that caused your dis-ease

If you grew up feeling oestracised, unloved, unseen, unstable/not secure..or a deep sense of lack, there’s a very high chance you’ve developed some sort of chronic disease which may have been fuelled by poor dietary behaviours and habits. Use this new moon in Libra to gently reacquaint with yourself and give yourself some love in…

The Tree of Life & Embracing Duality

The tree of life shows us how we can go from one state to another. It can also be described as going from one dimension to another. It reminds us of the hermetic laws, such as the law of polarity. The left pillar is of the more ‘cold’ but needed states (see image), while the…

Are Your Masculine & Feminine Energies Balanced?

Do you know that you carry and operate from both masculine and feminine energy? For the majority of human history, humans have been operating from a predominantly wounded masculine space, leading to burnout, increase in diseases rooted in stress. Ladies, are you operating from a yang/masculine dominant energy? Or maybe you recognise some toxic feminine…

Protecting Your Energy

A very open lively conversation about protecting our energy, shifting perspectives and empowering ourselves. We also discuss various ways to increase our vibration and keep away/block out energies we don’t want around us. We talk about real life stuff, like our personal growth journeys and how we play proactive roles in our individual life ‘movies’….

Transcendence Beyond Mental, Physical, Emotional Limitations

With Pisces moving through Jupiter, I suspect there will be a lot more alcohol and drug (recreational AND medical) consumption. Jupiter is about greed and excess and Pisces energy can tempt one into entering an elusive escapist, day dream, delusional state (sorry!) To add insult to injury, Jupiter rules the liver, and Pisces the lymphatic…

Time is a healer (not)

Woe to all who think time is a healer. Time is completely a social construct. Let me explain. If you stay in the same mindset, doing things in the same way, you’re not progressing – you’re staying stagnant. Yes, you’re closer to death, but your mind and reasoning hasn’t evolved since you were….what, 5 years…

Anger is a higher frequency than sadness & hopelessness!

Notice how the vibrations of anger, control and power, are much higher than suffering and victimisation.⠀So next time when you experience feeling sad, apathetic or depressed, don’t try to force yourself to jump up straight to gratitude or joy straight away.⠀That’s too big of a jump – unless you already know how to do that!⠀Feeling…

Fear Not Your Underworld

What if, wherever ‘darkness’ lies in our lives, we leant into that discomfort and unknown?⠀What if, by taking that journey into our own underworld, we uncover light?⠀All that darkness really is, is an invitation for us to focus and investigate on where it’s coming from and why we’re experiencing it. It’s not so we can…